Chrome - stalling with Establising Secure Connection in the status bar

Chrome stalls and/or fails to load pages. 

This fix worked for Don Orr.

Registry Repair

B) CryptSvc Manual Registry fix instructions, preened from Bug 838707:
The instructions look long, but will probably take longer to read them than to do.
You need to delete the Root level, but it takes a few steps to get there and be safe along the way.
The instructions boil down to:

1. Open Run, type in regedit
2. Go here: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\Root\

3. Right-click ProtectedRoots > Permissions and pick your account .

   Tick Allow Full Control

4. Open Task Manager > stop Cryptographic Service
5. In regedit, delete Root (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\) 6. Restart Crypographic Service 7. Test Chrome

8. Restart Windows 9. Test Chrome

For detail instructions, see B.1 below

B.1) CryptSvc Manual Registry fix instructions, preened from Bug 838707:

The piece of the registry tree we're working with looks like this:
  Root\             - delete this to rebuild
    Certificates\ - may need to save these
    CRLs\       - empty ignore
    CTLs\       - empty, ignore
    ProtectedRoots\ - the culprit

HKCU...ProtectedRoots is short for:

Begin here:
-exit Chrome,
-stop CryptSvc from Task Manager> Services
-in regedit, go HKCU...ProtectedRoots - see full path above -go up one level to ...SystemCertificates\Root
The Root steps are mostly optional and for documentation only.
export Root: do: right click Root, Export, choose file name... 
expand Certificates, stretch the left panel to the right to expose the cert IDs somewhat, 
note the number of Certificates. None is common and OK. take a screenshot, like this

right click Root, go Permissions, then Advanced, save a snapshot

-right click ProtectedRoots, go Permissions, then Advanced
    if you get errors, take screenshots.  
    if you get:  error: incorrectly ordered,  do Reorder, then go Advanced
       and note the reordering for later.
    save a screenshot of Advanced,  like this

 -if ProtectedRoots is not owned by you or Admin -
     if it's owned by System (see screenshot above), 
  then change owner to you with:
  from Advanced, select Change, then Advanced (in Change), then Find Now
     select your name.  It should look like this:

then OK out of Advanced Change, and OK out of Change

in Advanced Permissions, enable Inheritance verify User (you) now have Full Control take a snapshot of Advanced Permissions with the new owner and Inheritance on OK out of Advanced Permissions and Permissions -right click ProtectedRoots and delete - this will rebuild automatically later (This step is optional and only used to pretest the Root Delete)
     if you get: Error deleting keys,
       a) go back to Permissions> Advanced and verify owner is you with full control
       If not, redo the steps above to change owner and redo delete
       b) try: select: Replace all child object permission with inheritable...
       Apply, redo delete
       c) If it still fails, take a snapshot of the error and
       go to End & Send Feedback

-at ...SystemCertificates\Root - up one level
     If there are Certificates, check that you did the Root Export above
     right click Root, then Delete - this will rebuild automatically later

End & Send Feedback
-start CryptSvc from task manager> Services - this rebuilds the deleted items (keys)
-restart regedit, go  HKCU...ProtectedRoots, 
    verify ProtectedRoots [and Root] have been rebuilt
    verify ProtectedRoots Permissions> Advanced: Inheritance is off
       you have Read, CryptSvc has Full Control
       take a screenshot of the rebuilt Permissions Advanced
 -if there were certificates initially, restore with the earlier Root export
stop CryptSvc, click on the Root export file to import; ignore errors related to open keys or no permission The import restarts CryptSvc, so no action needed. Done!

Creation date: 1/3/2019 4:03 PM      Updated: 1/3/2019 4:03 PM